Is My Engine Running Properly
Your engine has to be running properly to keep you safe on the road. Otherwise, you put yourself and other drivers at risk. Here are some tips on what to look out for to keep your engine running properly, signs that it’s not running well, and how to amend that damage.
What Issue is Worrying You?
Your engine probably has given you some kind of indication that it isn’t running well that’s made you want to research what’s going on. Usually, there’s minimal to no damage to the engine itself. A minor issue may have popped up in the system and started causing other pieces of the vehicle to break down. Even tires that are misaligned or worn out brake pads can cause other damage. The most important thing to find is what’s causing your vehicle to have issues at its core. You should do this by looking for symptoms first.
Signs of Issues With Your Car Engine
Strange Smells
Smells are a clear-cut factor that your engine is at risk. You’ll start to even fill dizzy or sick in some instances with the smell of fuel or something burning. In either case, they are both clear-cut indicators that you may want to take the car in for service. Usually, this will have to do with the air filters or your oil. Burning smells could indicate that your engine isn’t receiving fuel correctly or your oil levels are dangerously low and your car is starting to function improperly.
Loud Engine Noises
Any time your engine starts making noises you don’t recognize, your alternator and a myriad of other parts could be having issues functioning properly. Luckily, this isn’t always a major deal and could be a quick fix. Regardless of what the damage ends up being, you should have your car taken in as soon as possible. This will prevent early risks, and avoid heavier costs for repairs.
Especially throughout the warmer times of year, you have to be on the lookout for overheating damage. While the extreme damage caused by overheating is rare, it can cause pistons to expand, scraping cylinders, and other severe damage to the engine block. The root of your engine overheating also likely has something to do with the radiator. When your radiator is weak or not working at all, pieces of the engine block can melt, hoses will burst, and other major problems are likely to sprout up. This is why rooting out the foundation of your engine’s damage is so essential.
Find The Damage Yourself
If possible, get under the hood and check what issues have popped up as best you can. Then you’ll be able to take your own notes into the mechanic and allow the process to go more quickly. However, if you aren’t able to identify the cause, not to worry. It takes a trained eye to provide a complete diagnosis of a vehicle’s major pain points. While some are obvious, others can be very subtle damages.